
The revelation of the Divine in the profane
is the art of accessing the Truth,
going beyond appearances

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Arohana - conscious sensuality

Arohana is the name from Adi Tantra
for sexual continence
or karezza - River that goes up the Mountain.

About sexual continence
About tantra

"Every process, every wish, however inelegant,
carries within it a glimmer of sacredness
that tantra seeks to identify
and put it in the light."

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The revelation of the Divine in the profane
is the art of accessing the Truth,
going beyond appearances

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Arohana - conscious sensuality

Arohana is the name from Adi Tantra
for sexual continence
or karezza - River that goes up the Mountain.

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About tantra

"Every process, every wish, however inelegant,
carries within it a glimmer of sacredness
that tantra seeks to identify
and put it in the light."

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Adya Tantra

Adya Tantra is the primordial tantra or the first tantra, the fundamental tantra.

It is traditional tantra, very rigorous but wonderful, which gives us exceptional freedom provided that the conditions for success in tantra are strictly observed. Otherwise, what we would think of as tantra would be an accelerated downward path.

Provides spirituality in the midst of life.

The world as we know it, though divine in nature, is transient.

If you become attached to any aspect of the world that is subject to becoming, you will suffer and wander until you learn to recognize Source in any ordinary or unusual aspect. But towards the Source, that is, towards God, you can be as attached as you like, because the more attached you are, the greater your identification with Him and the greater your state of happiness.

The Tantric sees in every aspect of the world, the Truth, beyond the mundane appearances of that aspect.

He does not lie to himself that the aspect in question is divine, beautiful, special, amazing (whereas reality would be otherwise), but does something else entirely – he sees what is real and immutable, eternal, exceptional and truly divine in what is the object of his vision. And he does this not by ignoring appearances, but by transcending them with ease, thanks to the skills acquired through his practice.

“For he who is pure,

everything is pure. “

Key principles

"Tantric reaches through God to the world and not through the world to God."

"At the moment of losing control over sexual energy, the process of enlightenment is temporarily stopped."

"To him who is pure, all is pure."

Freedom from the object of desire.
Then and only then is it possible that
what brings others down, let it bring you up!

This is TANTRA!

This is the High Art of Life Transfiguration.
It is a total, profound and unlimited Art.

It is imbued with infinite bliss, which is the Supreme Consciousness, God or Paramashiva…(or whatever name one wants to use) !

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